The Everyday Life in Queenstown

This is my house.

The moutain behind my house

View from the top of my street

View from my bedroom. Pretty sweet to wake up to that everyday.

View on my way to work

View on my way to work

View on my way to work.

View of the town, on my way to work

View on my way to work. These views are how i survive the walk.
Well Hello!!! I learned a fewthings this week. So the week started off pretty good. I started work at 630 Monday morning. Very hard to get up at 530 and have to walk to work in the dark. But at least the walk wakes you up. Well I get to work and meet some new people, which by the way are awesome. I learned that at breakfast is just a buffet and for the most part only the people who have breakfast included come to it. All we have to do is when the guest arrives is offer them coffee or tea, clear plates and clean and set tables when the guest leaves. Sooooo easy. I was like this is not a very challenging job, maybe tomorrow will be better. Any way after 10, we take the buffet down and start to set up for lunch and dinner. This is a long process of taking things off the tables and putting new things on them, vacuming, which most of you know I hate!!! So once that is all done staff luch is served. It is usually just leftover food that the chefs need to get rid of. Sometimes it is good, others can be absolutely disgusting!!! and as for most of you, you know that I am a pretty picky eater, so thisis great. But I make sure that I try it at least. It is ok if I dont eat casue I am usually done be 1 any way and can just go home and eat. So anyway the next day I learned that Asain tour groups are the worst. The tour guide usually stands at the door and just tells people where to go, no matter if the restaurant is busy or not, they don't care. I was told it would not be unusal if at least once a week you saw a supervisor yelling to the tour guide. So my lesson was just go with it and try and do my job the best I can too. So Wednesday comes along and it is my third moring starting at 630, so gettingup was really hard. But thank goodness I only have to work until 9, then I get to go and sit through a 4.5 hours orientation. Well that was fun. We leaned that if we got a bomb threat, we are told to ask them 'who is this' 'where is the bomb' 'why is there a bomb' like seriously, if you were gonna plant a bomb would you even call, and if you did would you give them the answers to these questions? Wow!! So that has been my work experience thus far. I am looking forward to working Sat night and actually have to use my brain and not just hang out.
This week we also got a new flatmate. His name is Ashley and is from the UK. Is is pretty cool. Felt bad though casue by the time he got here, the warehouse was closed so he could not get blankets or a heater, all he had was a sleeping bag. But he did ok and Candace took him to the warehouse the next day. Other than that, not alot has happend sinceI had to work early, I just went to bed early. Miss you all!!!
Wow!! I can't belive that's the view you have each and EVEY day!! that's awesome!! I miss you like crazy....take care, talk to you soon...
Love, Me
You know how jealous I am since Im a total SCENERY person. I'm glad to hear you're having a great time. If you get a chance send me a post card from there!!!
Hey Jewels
Pics are soo awesome and lovin ur stories keep it comin babe! MISS YOU SOO MCUH! LUV U!!
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