Party at 27 Watts Road
We decided to hold a party at our house last Saturday. It was great fun as yo ucan see from the pictures. I think that we blew up a hundred balloons...literally.

Whoop whoop our mailbox!!

If you are new to the house, you must hula hoop with Canadice, best out of three...

and if you win you are not allowed to ever use the huka hoops Katielyn(she had to do it cause she is practically lives here) and I learned

Candice as a superstar!!

Katielyn and Ashely as they are in awe of Ashley's part in the decoration

Some of the girls that work at the Heritage.

Self know how much I love those!!!

Alix singing for us. He is actually a recorded artist back in his country.

S'MORES!!! the ultimate Canadain campfire food. No one here has even heard of them....but once Stephan and I made them they all tried them and loved them. Yeah Canada!!

Group pose
Hey sexy
Im glad you are having a blast. Mmmmmmm Smores. My favorite. I cant believe that no one there has ever had them. Jaron says hi aunty julia. He also tried to blow you kisses but i think he just spit on me. yukky. We love u and miss you
amy & jaron
hello hello
always the life of the party lol, enjoy dear miss you lots
Keep it up- loving the party pictures, miss you like crazy babe, take care!! LOVE YOU!
Hey babe, I keep waiting for a new entry, I know I'm not much better, but I promise to try and put some pictures up soon. Hope the finger is doing alright, and I KNOW we need to catch up really soon, will be calling you...take care hun, I Love You!
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