On July 25th, while Steph was awaiting her birthday, I was a day ahead and on my way to Arrowtown. Arrowtown is a Chinese gold settlement, now a tourist place. Katielyn and I went on a bus for a 25 minute drive to Arrowtown with 1 other person, so it was like a private tour again. On the way there we drove by the Remarkables (named because it is one of the only 2 moutains ranges going north to south and someone was like remarable and that how it was named) and stopped across the road of a popular winery Stoneridge. We took some good pics. In Arrowtown there is one main road called Buckingham Street. On this road is lots of cafes, and stores. Also the muesum is there. We went into the museum and were the only ones, went downstairs and I walked around the corner not expecting to see anything and this manikan and it scared the crap out of me. We went and rented gold panning pans. Not what I expected but still fun, minus the cold water. We got bored after 20 mins and went to find ice cream. On the way back we drove past Cornet Peak, a popular skiing moutian, and because there were only 3 of us, the driver stopped anywhere we wanted for pictures. It was a good trip, but would have been nicer on a hot summer day to just stroll around and be lazy.But still fun.

This is a shot of Shotover river with Cornet Peak in the background. The river is where you go on the shotover boat which is soooo much fun. Anyone who comes here has to go on it!!!

Katielyn gold panning.

Oh my god!!!! I'm rich!!! just kidding

Me trying to locate my millions

Stoneirdge winery. Amazing!!

A view of Cornet Peak from the winery.

A toliet outside a house in the chinese settlement.

Buckingham Street

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