THe other day, Ashely and I went horseback riding. was so awesome!!!! Was a great two hour ride through the reese river valley. But let me tell you...riding a horse english style is way different than western. It was like learning to ride a horse all over agian. But so much fun. I was on one of the biggest horses ever. And was the biggest pansey. When we had to cross the river, he did not want to go in...was like fighting every single time. And Ashely, well his name at work is Harry Potter, and he got a hosre named Harry...which i thought was the funniest thing hehe , but the cool thing about his horse was that he was in Lord of the Rings. What else is new with me...well i drove for the first time since I have been here....so crazy...everything is completely opposite of things in Canada. and they have round abouts...not stop signs...what the hell is a round about...well they are not that fun...but is was nice to drive again...any way that is all that is new with me. Miss you all!!!
I MISS YOU I MISS YOU I MISS YOU I MISS YOU I MISS YOU....did I mention that I miss you!?!?!? I hope you are having a spectacular time...way to be on keeping the pictures coming....Lots of Love,
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