Well Hello Again
Well Hello Everyone...Has been a while to here from me..but htings here are good...have done alot since i was last on...i went and did a canyon swing which was the scariest most exciting thing i have ever done!!!! it is kinda like a bungy but you are harnessed at your waist instead of your feet and after you jump, the free fall is about 60 meters then you swing about 200 meteres...it was so much fun...i was so scared that when they tell you to step on the ledge i moved one foot and the other felt like it was stuck to the ground..but finally i went and just told myself to do it and i jumped....so crazy...katielyn thought i would take ages to jump...but i porved her wrong...after my knees where just knocking from all the adreinline going through me. To look at what it is here is a website...http://www.canyonswing.co.nz/...and when i get home remind me to show you the pics and dvd of it...
the next thing was i went to a Maori show called Haka Pa...it was so neat to see the dances and songs that they preformed...they even made us get up and learn some dance moves. was cool

here i am standing beside what would be there houses that they slept in. so tiny!!!

Haka Pa means large body of water...and this waterfall was right beside the camp...
The next crazy thing i did was called fly by wire. You are strapped into this airplane type thing and they lift you up so you look like you are heading straight for the mountain they trhen let you go and you are flying around the canyon and you are in control..was so fun...they describe it as a you are on a skateboard with an engine or that you are on a rollarcoaster that you can control(dad something that i think you might like).

that is really me!!!!

look how funny i look...hehe

me again
the last thing that i have done lately was go on a Nomad 4 by 4 trip into skippers canyon...which is a gold mining area that is now gone, as the gold rush is over...was really neat to learn all the history and we got to go gold panning...no luck in finding gold though

a helicopter coming to drop off rafters at the shotover river

me at the shotover river

skippers bridge...the place of the first bungy in new zealand!!!
Well this is my life the last few weeks...and work of course...please email me and let me know what you guys have been up too...miss you all heaps!!!!
PS I got to do all this for FREE...benifts of frint office hehe