Family Time 2007!!!

Road Trip !!!! (erin, rach, and me)

erin and i running into the lake.....ahhhhhh

blake, me, erin and rach on new years....HAPPY 2007!!!

waiting for the penguins.....for like and hour....

ontop of larnach castle looking out into the otago pennisula

larnach castle and 3 princesses

me and mom with mel and melanie at cadbury world

me, rach, erin on the moeraki boulders

mom and dad at moeraki boulders

the pacific ocean is soooo much warmer!!!!
Well the family+ Rachel (yes i know it is spelt wrong) arived on Dec 29th, for a two week visit. Was so good to see everyone again...was way to long in between. They came just in time for New Years, we just wathced the fire works, then headed up to a staff party. While they were here we went over to the east coast to Dunedin for the night. In those tow days we did alot...Cadbury World...mmmm chocolate, went to see these really cute blue penguins, the smallest in the world come out of the ocean for the day and back onto land to feed their babies, was so cool as they were so tiny!!!! but we had to be soooo quiet and not take any pictures as they are really timid. The next day we went New Zealands only castle, Larnach Castle, then shopping, power shopping that is, then we drove up to see the Moeraki Boulders. By the time we got home we were all dead tired. The next morning we went quad biking. Sooo much fun...have to go again. On the Tuesday before they left, we took out Greg's dads boat and went tubing on the lake....oh my god....soooooooooooo try and get used to the water, we ran in at full speed....but it was even colder out in the middle once we fell off the tube!!!! It was so good to see everyone again...even with all the drama...hey girls...miss you all