Clumsy Me!!!
Doctor Ashley
Well, look what a clutz I am!! Here I thought I would get away my whole life with just a broken arm. No such luck. On Saturday, July 29, I was at work and standing by the kitchen doors getting coffee for a table and I had an urge to sneeze. I don't remember what actually happened, just what I was told, that I sneezed and braced myself by putting my hand out on the door. Someone had opened the door and my hand slid in and all I remeber is hearing a crack, pulling it out, showing Katielyn and Steph (one of our supervisors), then Ron (a chef) pulling me downstairs to the staff room, getting me a container of ice water and telling me it was ok to cry. The porter, Wes then took me to the medical center where I was told it was broken. Ahhhhh!!! So the doctor told me that I didn't have to work for six weeks to let it properly heal .But cause I knew I would be so bored, I went and talked to my manager to figure out what I could actualy do. And now I am doing mini bar for the next couple of weeks, which only requires me to use one hand. Wow..things that happen!!! But the good thing is my birthday is coming up on the 8th. Hurray something good!!!